G-Forum 2023 Darmstadt
The Power of Resilience for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
My colleague and me are proud to host this year's conference „G-Forum“ of the Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e. V. (supported by Alexander Kock) at Ulrich Knaup. The conference takes place from September 27th to 29th 2023 at TU Darmstadt and typical sites of the „smart city“ Darmstadt. TU Darmstadt
This year's conference theme picks up a major challenge of our time: „The Power of Resilience for Innovation and Entrepreneurship“ („Die Kraft der Resilienz für Innovation und Entrepreneurship“).
The call for paper is now online and you can already register for the conference:
(wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) Call for Papers (deutsch)
(wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) Call for Papers (english)
Any submission contributing to the aspects of
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Mittelstand
for an exchange between research and practice is welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing you in Darmstadt, btw a German center of „art nouveau“.