Exam review of the courses Venture Valuation and Entrepreneurial Finance
The exam review for the courses Venture Valuation and Entrepreneurial Finance of the summer term 2016 will take place on October 18th, 2016 from 2:30 to 3:30 PM in Room S103/313.
Important information concerning the exam review: We will not provide any model solution (Musterlösung) for the exam. Allowed auxiliaries are printed course materials as well as compulsory and additional literature mentioned in the course. Please do also bring your student card and ID or passport for identification.
In case you cannot participate in the exam review personally, you may send an authorized representative (Bevollmächtigter). In order to assign authorization, the authorized representative needs a written and signed confirmation including a copy of your ID or passport that he or she is allowed to represent you in the exam review. In addition, the authorized representative also needs his or her ID or passport.